Die Natur der Kunst. Begegnungen mit der Natur vom 19. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart was published to coincide with the exhibition at Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Switzerland. The subject of nature in art throughout the centuries is examined using works from the Kunstmuseum's collection.
Both the exhibition and the catalogue are not only concerned with a summarisation of landscape paintings but they also illuminate the relationship between art and nature from a theoretical point of view: nature as a model for art on the one hand and its antipole on the other. In this group exhibition Gerhard Richter's art builds a bridge towards abstraction. Richter's landscapes, which are often oriented on romanticism, are juxtaposed with his abstract paintings.
Contributions by Paul Pfister, Michael Lüthy, Erich Franz, Wolfgang Kersten, Dieter Schwarz and Hans-Konrad Schmutz.