Wolkenbilder. Die Erfindung des Himmels

种类 群展
作者 Kunz, Stephan / Stückelberger, Johannes / Wismer, Beat
出版社 Hirmer Verlag, München
图书资料 精装, 264 页
国际标准书号 3777426059
语言 德文

The catalogue Wolkenbilder. Die Erfindung des Himmels was published on the occasion of the group exhibition Wolkenbilder. Von John Constable bis Gerhard Richter at Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau in 2005.

More than 20 artists that address the topic of clouds are united in this catalogue. Numerous text contributions try to understand the artists' fascination with the sky, whereas Gerhard Richter's Clouds pictures are analysed separately by Johannes Stückelberger.

The following artworks are mentioned, discussed or illustrated in the book:

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