Zeitgenossen. Das Gesicht unserer Gesellschaft im Spiegel der heutigen Kunst

种类 群展
作者 Grochowiak, Thomas / Jaffé, H. L. C.
出版社 Städtische Kunsthalle, Recklinghausen
图书资料 平装, 200 页
语言 德文

The catalogue Zeitgenossen. Das Gesicht unserer Gesellschaft im Spiegel der heutigen Kunst was published on the occasion of an eponymous exhibition that was staged as part of the Ruhrfestspiele 1970. The exhibition and catalogue deal with the human image in contemporary art whereby Gerhard Richter’s portraits are displayed.


Besides biographies of the exhibited artists, there is also the essay Zum Menschenbild unserer Zeit by H. L. C. Jaffé. With an introduction by Thomas Grochowiak.

The following artworks are mentioned, discussed or illustrated in the book:

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