Gerhard Richter. Porträt Dr. Knobloch (Patrimonia 344)

种类 专题论文
作者 Elger, Dietmar / Roth, Martin / Stange, Eva-Maria
出版社 Kulturstiftung der Länder in Verbindung mit dem Gerhard Richter Archiv, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden
图书资料 平装, 32 页
语言 德文

This issue of the Patrimonia series was published on the occasion of the acquisition of the painting Portrait Dr. Knobloch of 1964 by Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden in 2009. The history of the painting’s origin, which was one of Gerhard Richter’s first commissioned portraits, is analysed in context of his other early portraits. The portraits after passport photos are highlighted especially and compared with portraits by Andy Warhol.

Text contribution by Dietmar Elger, director of the Gerhard Richter Archive Dresden.

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