Scheiben und Strips von Gerhard Richter. Schriften des Gerhard Richter Archiv Dresden ; Bd. 10

Issue 2013
Category Monographs
Author Buchloh, Benjamin H. D. / Elger, Dietmar
Date 2013
Publisher Walther König, Köln
Details Softcover, 71 pages
ISBN 9783863353629
Language German

The small-format book Scheiben und Strips von Gerhard Richter comprises two essays: Gerhard Richter. Gläserne Revolte and Das Zufalls-Ornament. Malerei des Fortschritts by Benjamin H. D. Buchloh. The source of the original English texts, which are published in German for the first time, is the exhibition catalogue Gerhard Richter. Strip Paintings, 2012 by the Marian Goodman Gallery, New York.


The author contextualizes Richter’s glass constructions as well as his colour works in regards to Richter’s oeuvre as well as contemporary influences on his work. He focuses on the significance of Marcel Duchamp in relation to Richter’s works.


Numerous images in the middle part of the book illustrate the text.

The following artworks are mentioned, discussed or illustrated in the book:

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