Gerhard Richter. 100 Bilder

期刊号 1996
种类 个展
作者 Obrist, Hans Ulrich / Pelzer, Birgit / Tosatto, Guy
日期 1996
出版社 Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern-Ruit
图书资料 精装, 153 页
国际标准书号 3893228519
语言 德文

Designed by the artist himself, this publication gives a rare insight into one of the most intensive work periods (1995–1996) of Richter’s life.


It commences by introducing pictures, which having been kept in the artist’s studio had never been on view. Although mostly focussing on abstract works, an intimate cycle of eight photo paintings in a smaller format is also included: an autobiographic cycle depicting his third wife Sabine Moritz, a painter herself, and their first son Moritz in a Madonna-like pose.

The following artworks are mentioned, discussed or illustrated in the book:

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