Gerhard Richter in der Dresdener Galerie. Schriften des Gerhard Richter Archiv Dresden ; Bd. 7

种类 专题论文
作者 Elger, Dietmar
出版社 Sandstein Verlag, Dresden
图书资料 平装, 47 页
国际标准书号 9783942422222
语言 德文

Gerhard Richter in der Dresdener Galerie is the 7th volume from the publications of the Gerhard Richter Archive Dresden.

On the occasion of the re-opening of the Albertinum in 2010 the artist himself curated two rooms of the museum. Whereas the first room is dedicated to thirteen paintings from the years 1963 to 2000, the second room presents the work 9 Upright Standing Panes [CR: 879-3], as well as the series of reverse glass paintings Aladdin [CR: 913/1-42].

Text by Dietmar Elger.

The following artworks are mentioned, discussed or illustrated in the book:

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